6 Ways to Spend Family Night without Leaving the House

1) Backyard Camp Out
Grab the marshmallows, pillows, and blankets for this fun night in the “wilderness”! Lay down a tarp in the grass and cover it with pillows and blankets for a cozy night outside with the kids. Spend the evening roasting marshmallows over candles, taking turns telling ghost stories, making shadow animals on the side of the house with a flashlight, and stargazing while cuddled in your mountain of pillows.

2) Chalk it up
Your entire driveway is now a canvas to be covered with your kids’ refrigerator worthy artistic skills. A box of chalk, a driveway, and a little creativity is all you need for this evening of fun.

3) Obstacle yard
Not only will your kids love racing through the obstacle course but they’ll also have fun setting it up. Use household objects like cardboard boxes, hula-hoops, buckets, tires, yard paint, etc to create the course. Turn the sprinklers on for extra summer fun. Make this course extravagant enough and you’ll have your neighbors talking for weeks.

4) Oh Christmas Tree
Why only decorate a tree once a year? Pull out the holiday decorations or make your own out of paper, then dress up a tree in your backyard. Listen to Frosty the Snowman or Winter Wonderland to really bring Christmas to July.

5) Flash Dance
No, this is not your convention flash dance. Grab a hand full of flashlights and crank up your family’s favorite dance music for your own flashy strobe light dance party.

6) Shaving Cream Table
Lather up your kitchen counter or table with shaving cream and let the kids get messy. Is it crazy? Maybe. But it’s also a lot of fun and a completely harmless mess!