Studying in comfort: How to add a study corner in your children's room.

 Studying in comfort: How to add a study corner in your children's room

Exams! Ah! Scream. Exams are every parent’s worst time of year. The kids become moody and tensions are high. One way to combat this stress is by creating a comfortable study area for your child. Here are some tips on how to create a study area that is conducive to learning.

A quiet space

Probably the most important factor in a study area is that it is quiet. Nobody can concentrate effectively with noise. Even quiet talking or the sound of the TV can be distracting. Make sure your child’s room has a door that can close. A heavier, more solid door will keep out more noise. Rugs and carpets are very good sound absorbers. So if your child’s room has wooden or tiled floors consider buying a snuggly rug. Not only will this absorb sound but will add a cozy feel to the room too. 

You can install weather stripping around doors and windows to prevent sound from coming in. If you don’t want to go this route use blankets as a temporary sound blocker. Identify where the sound is coming in. If the sound is coming through the door, hang a blanket over the door and stuff blankets or towels in the cracks. If the sound is reverberating through the walls you can hang a heavy blanket on the wall. Heavy curtains will help to keep the sound from coming in through windows.

A desk to motivate them

It is important that a child has somewhere to sit up straight and a flat surface on which to work. Lying on the bed to study is not conducive to effective learning. Set up a desk in your child’s room. Make sure it is not facing into the sun or having direct sunlight shine on it. The glare will make it difficult for your child to work. The desk should be big enough to hold a laptop or other device as well as books. There should be enough space for an open textbook and an open workbook together. Sometimes the child might bring snacks, food, sugar free vitamins , or drinks to their desks while they study, so keep that in mind as well. Encourage your child to keep his/her desk neat.

A chair to support them

The chair should be comfortable but upright. A dining chair with a cushion on it works well. You can splash out and buy an office chair. These come in an array of sizes and price ranges so choose the one that suits the size of your room and your pocket. A comfortable study chair could be an appropriate gift or reward for having done well in previous exams.

Reduce Distraction

Distraction is the bane of every child’s life during exams. Many children find it difficult to concentrate at the best of times. Add a distraction and you’ve lost them completely. So reduce all distractions as far as possible. Place the desk facing the wall rather than into the room or out the window. Make sure there are no distracting pictures on this wall. Putting up notes and other learning aids is a good idea for this wall. Remove televisions, phones, gaming consoles, music, and other forms of entertainment for the duration of the study period. Don’t allow your child to listen to music, other than classical music, while he/she studies.

A study friendly Space

Make sure there is enough space for the study area in your child’s room. It does not need to be huge but it does need to be accessible and comfortable. If your child’s room is really small or children are sharing a room, you may need to think about  home remodeling .

It is important that each child has his/her own study space. Sharing a study space is really not an option. Remodeling to create an effective study space should be seen as an investment in your child’s future.

Final thoughts

Creating an effective study space for your child should be a top priority. The perfect study space is quiet, free from distractions, and has a comfortable desk and chair. That is really all you need. The better the study space, the better chance he/she’ll have of achieving his/her full potential. 

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