Local Government Partnerships

What is Workforce Housing?
Workforce Housing generally refers to housing for residents earning between 80% to 120% of the area median income (AMI). In other words, housing priced for the income ranges of teachers, police officers, nurses, bartenders etc. Workforce Housing is also referred to as “Attainable Housing” and “Missing Middle”.
Due to recent changes in the law, Allen Edwin Homes’ can now collaborate directly with local governments to build quality 3- and 4-bedroom homes to an underserved market by investing $20 million to $50 million annually in new Workforce Housing. 
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Additional information about the Housing TIF Program (MSHDA):  

Senate Bill No. 129 (New TIF Law)

Senate Bill No. 432 (New Workforce PILOT Law)

See if Workforce Housing is the right fit for your municipality

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